Wednesday, July 28, 2021

STI ETF components

 STI ETF component stock charts

A17U 3.11 ▲ +0.97% Unnamed (

C31 4.02 ▼ −0.5% (

based on my check to buy singtel if less than yesterdayclose by 3 cents.

sell after it reaches 3 cents

Buy 3 lots aprox - 7K

$90 profit - $12sgd trans - $78 net profit. 1%


if ocbc drops 10 cent from yest close. Buy for 10 cent profit.

5 lots 50sgd profit and $14 charges


Buy 6 lot of thai bev if drop from yest price by 1.5 cents

sell at 1c up. 60SGD, approx -16 sgd trans. 54% 1%


Buy ascendas reit at 3 cents below today close. Sell at 2 cents up.

buy another set if falls by another two cents


Buy comfort delgro if falls 3 cents from today close.  Sell at 2 c profit

IF another 2 cent drop buy again, sell at 3 c profit.


Capitaland integrated com trust - buy if fall from prev close by 4 cents. sell 2 cent up Buy again at 2cent lower if not profit. sell 3 c up

Buy 3 lots - $60 less trans - $54, 1%


AMZN Nov-15 - Nov-29 $22

WMT- Sep15 - Oct-12 - $1.95

ups aug 4 and aug 7

PG- Sep20-oct27 - $2

hsy - nov9 to Dec 10 -$2.74

hon- oct28 to dec 6 - 6.74

fdx- sep-22 oct 28 $6.86

ups - npv8-Nov30

AAPL- Sep27- Oct 25

LRCX- Sep13-Oct-22

COST - oct19 to nov 17


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